The Story of TELOS

What is TELOS?

The Effortless Life Operating System

The Sculptures Tell the Story

Sabotage (awareness)

  • 27 years old, career over, and wandering around NYC unaware of how to dig out of the hole I was in, I happened upon a street art fair at Washington Square Park. I saw this sculpture and knew I had to have it.  I could feel in the deepest parts of my being, that this statue summed up my life at that moment.  It crystallized the awareness that I was working really hard to achieve stuff and in actuality I was pulling the ground out from under my feet.  At one point over the next year I actually drilled holes in the metal plate that was the base and attached the sculpture to the wall so the figure wasn’t only trying to pull the ground out from under himself, he was doing it while going straight up.  For me this sculpture signified “The Hard Way” to get things done, and although there was satisfaction in this approach it clearly was not sustainable.  We only get one body and when it breaks down life sucks. There had to be another way to achieve excellence.

Freedom (acceptance)

  • This image had lived inside my head for the last 20 years until I finally found an artist who worked with metals and could help me create my vision. The figure in the sculpture shows that once I had accepted my situation as it was I was free to take action to change it to what I wanted it to be. So I didn’t just let go of the chain, I threw it off. I knew this time I had to achieve excellence in a different way; in a sustainable way.  I needed to find a way that my mind and my body could work together in harmony to fulfill my goals. Throwing off the chain signified the end of my getting stuff done “The Hard Way”, and the beginning of my getting stuff done “The Effortless Way”. It was the beginning of an expanding sense of joy and the accomplishing of meaningful goals.  Today, that is my definition of success.


  • When The Effortless Way became how I got stuff done, my life instantly became one of balance and action. I was no longer chained to the ground and I was free. My life became a sustainable and enjoyable way to accomplish meaningful things. And that is the promise of TELOS, and my wish for you ~ Discover, Clarify and Fulfill your dreams ~ In a sustainable, productive, and enjoyable way.

Read our Booklet

Learn about the Effortless Life Operating System and see what makes TELOS such an efficient and enjoyable way to get things done.

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“Telos is eye opening and empowering and it has the added bonus of being profoundly enjoyable as well as more productive along the way. Peter’s Telos is a must for those who want to achieve success and impact - along with balance.”

— Mo Gawdat
Former Chief Business Officer of Google X and Author of the international Bestseller, Solve for Happy

"I don’t understand how no one else is teaching this simple and amazing way to learn.”

— Mina A.
32, London, England

"I am not a believer in this holistic stuff, but this breathing thing clearly works. I can see my progress on the court. It is so simple. I am shocked."

— Dr. Ken C.

“I have been playing tennis for 40 years and I have never learned as much in a one hour session as I did today”

— Larry Ullman
Chief Executive Officer Ullman Wealth Management Inc

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